

Most sellers of commercial real estate properties want to obtain the highest possible sale price and get to closing in the shortest amount of time. However, even longtime owners of commercial real estate properties may not realize that there is a long checklist of pre-sale planning, strategies and considerations that should be completed well before a property is placed on the market for sale.

A seller’s primary objective should be to minimize taxes on a sale in order to retain hard-earned financial gains that most likely were achieved over many years or even decades. Depending on each seller’s unique circumstances, there are validated tax-planning methods that can provide deferment of taxes upon sale, significant reinvestment flexibility, etc.

Contact us to discuss sale strategies for your commercial property.

Why Engage An Advisor?

How Can We Help?

Prior to placing a commercial property on the market for sale, it should be strategically positioned (from several different standpoints) in order to ensure broad appeal in the marketplace and minimize downside risks.

SVN | Providence is uniquely qualified to exceed a seller’s goals given our knowledge and experience in positioning commercial properties for sale, our tax planning structures, our extensive marketing capabilities, and our negotiation skills.

Contact A Principal

Meet the team

Terrell Marsh


Rob Seidel

Executive Vice President

Jeff Handler

Executive Vice President

Beverly Merchant

Executive Vice President

Holly Marsh

Director of Accounting and Administration

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